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Cats + Pet Services

  • Usually caused by a bite from another cat, fight wound infections can lead to the development of an abscess (a pocket of pus) or cellulitis (pain and swelling in the area of the bite). A cat’s sharp canine teeth can easily puncture the skin of another cat, leaving small, deep, wounds that seal over quickly, so it is important that your cat is seen by a veterinarian for treatment as soon as possible after being bitten.

  • This handout discusses how to find reliable information for your pet on the internet. Recommendations are to always seek out trusted sources, such as your own veterinary clinic, veterinary schools, and those sites with content written by veterinarians. Try to avoid sites offering homemade cures, are heavily weighted with opinions, or offer prescription medications without requiring a veterinarian’s prescription.

  • Fine needle aspiration is a useful tool to collect samples for cytology and is often used to diagnose abnormal lumps on your pet's body as well as evaluation of fluid samples and tissue surfaces. It is relatively simple and inexpensive but can provide a lot of information. Depending on results, further tests may be indicated to best help your pet.

  • The sight of blood is frightening for many people, especially when an injured cat is bleeding. With quick first aid, the situation is not as scary. An injured pet is scared and in pain so be sure to take precautions to avoid being bitten. You may need to use a muzzle or have someone restrain your cat while you provide first aid. Keeping wounds covered with pressure to slow the bleeding is the first step. Minor injuries may be manageable at home, but larger wounds and internal wounds require immediate veterinary care.

  • Medical emergencies occur suddenly and without warning. It is important for all cat owners to have a basic understanding of common veterinary medical emergencies and basic first aid for their pets. This handout provides guidelines you can follow in the event that your cat is experiencing shock and/or requires rescue breathing or CPR. In any emergency situation with your pet, contact your veterinarian or closest emergency facility immediately.

  • While most of the time cats will land on their feet, they can still sustain serious injuries after a fall, including sprains, broken bones, head trauma, and chest or abdominal injuries. If you see your cat fall, monitor her for at least 3-5 days for anything abnormal that may develop. Serious injuries need to be evaluated immediately by your veterinarian, but there are steps you can take at home to prepare your pet to be transported to your veterinary hospital.

  • Lameness occurs due to the injury or debilitation of one or more parts of the leg; bones, muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, or skin. Depending on the cause of the limp, immediate veterinary care may be needed. If your dog is in severe pain, carefully transport your dog to your veterinary hospital or emergency hospital immediately. For non-emergency limps, you may be able to determine the cause of the limp and provide home care. If the lameness persists for more than 24 hours, seek veterinary care. Medication or surgery may be necessary to help your cat heal and reduce pain.

  • Tail injuries are common and can sometimes be managed with home first aid but some cases require veterinary care. Abrasions are mild scrapes that can be treated with daily cleaning and application of antibiotic ointment. Lacerations are more serious cuts that may expose underlying muscle and bone requiring stitches and often antibiotics. Tail fractures can heal well if they occur near the tip of the tail but if bones are severely damaged then amputation may be required. Nerve damage can occur from fractures, crushing injuries or severe tail pulls causing stretching or tearing of the nerves and can result in loss of fecal and urinary continence and can also result in a limp tail.

  • Despite common belief, an average cat experiences only minor skin irritation in response to flea bites. Even in the presence of dozens of fleas, there will typically be minimal itching. On the other hand, a cat with flea allergies will have a severe reaction to even a single flea bite. Affected cats experience intense itching and will chew, lick, or scratch the affected site(s) nonstop, causing hair loss and possibly open sores or scabs on the skin, allowing a secondary bacterial infection to develop. Strict flea control is the foundation of successful treatment. There are many highly effective flea control products for treating the cat and controlling fleas in the environment.

  • Fleas are the most common nuisance and parasite affecting cats, and an infestation can lead to serious health problems. Flea control requires a three-pronged approach; they need to be eliminated from 1) your cat, 2) any other cats and dogs that you have, 3) your home and yard. There are many flea control products available and your veterinarian can help you determine which are safest and most effective for your pets.

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